Feeling Generous?

Now is a good time to reflect on the blessings that 2011 brought, and to be mindful of those that are not as fortunate.  There are so many causes here inWest Michigandedicated to helping keep people warm and fed this time of year.  Most gifts to churches and charities are at least partly tax deductible, and those gifts can include cash, stock, or physical donations.  You can gift up to $13,000 to as many people as you wish this year without paying federal or gift tax, keeping in mind your lifetime limit.  Strategize with your tax and estate planner on ways to minimize your estate.

 Need a gift idea?  Why not fund a 529 college savings plan for your grandkids?  Or purchase a juvenile life insurance policy?  Starting an asset for the young ones you love can give them a great jump start as adults.

 Whatever joys and challenges that came with 2011 and whatever is yet to come in 2012, make a resolution to have your financial house on track.  Put in a little effort and you may be surprised at the results. 

 To you and yours, I wish you a happy holiday seasons and many blessings in 2012.




The Year-End Numbers Game