Holiday Wrap Up: A Look Back at 2020 Thus Far

The year in brief. The coronavirus pandemic disrupted the global economy, global financial markets, and daily life in 2020. For investors, it was certainly an eventful year. Economic activity abruptly contracted in the spring, and stocks quickly fell. The upcoming presidential election and COVID-19 vaccine developments could provide more market-moving headlines.1  

The Federal Reserve cut short-term interest rates to just above zero as the pandemic took hold, and adjusted its monetary policy stance, announcing it would tolerate higher inflation for an extended period. U.S. households received one economic stimulus payment from the federal government, and might yet receive another. The U.S. and China reached a partial trade deal. The United Kingdom and the European Union made little progress toward a post-Brexit trade pact. In real estate, a seller’s market remained firmly in place.   

The U.S. economy. The coronavirus delivered a hard blow to economic norms. Stay-at-home and safer-at-home orders resulted in the near-shutdown of entire industries in March and April. Consumers bought staples eagerly, but discretionary spending dried up, resulting in a record dip in gross domestic product: GDP fell 31.4% in the second quarter. But the economy expanded at a 33.1 percent annual rate in the third quarter, recouping much of the pandemic-induced contraction suffered earlier in the year.2 

So how do the other key fundamental indicators look now, compared to last fall? By the Department of Labor’s estimation, unemployment stood at 7.9% in October while the jobless rate was 3.6%. Inflation remains low: through October, the Consumer Price Index was up 1.4% year-over-year. Consumer spending rose 1.4% in September, following a 1% gain in August.3,4,5 

A look at existing home sales numbers two-thirds of the way into 2020 shows the seller clearly in charge. National Association of Realtors data shows that homebuying trended higher since May 2020, even as the median price for an existing home reached a record $311,800 in October; existing home sales in October were up 9.4% from a year earlier. New home sales, incidentally, also trended higher through October.6,7  

The Federal Reserve relaxed its longstanding 2% inflation target. For decades, the central bank has had a twin mandate to promote maximum employment and price stability (i.e., controlled inflation). Managing inflation has often been the top priority. In late August, the Fed said that it was ready to let inflation reach and exceed 2% overtime in pursuit of “a robust job market.”8  

Two trade deals involving the U.S. also became law. President Donald Trump and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He signed off on a partial U.S.-China trade pact in January, cooling the 2018-19 tariff dispute between the world’s two largest economies. President Trump also signed the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) in January, a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which went into effect on July 1.9,10  

The global economy. In its October 2020 forecast, the International Monetary Fund estimates global GDP shrinking 4.4% this year, and U.S. GDP retreating 5.8%. The IMF’s 2021 outlook is much better. In sum, it sees the world’s economies expanding 5.2%, with GDP growth of 3.9% for the U.S., 5.2% for the European area, and 8.2% for China.11 

China’s economy bounced back from the nation’s winter and spring lockdowns, expanding at a 4.9% pace in Q3 by official estimates (if that pace holds, China’s economy could account for roughly a third of the world’s economic expansion this year).12 

Ill winds kicked up this fall between the European Union and the United Kingdom. Prime Minister Boris Johnson had established October 15 as a deadline for the U.K. to forge a post-Brexit trade agreement with the E.U., but talks stalled. Heading into November, it appeared uncertain that a deal would be in place for 2021, and that kind of outcome could rile European financial markets.13 

A peek at global stock benchmarks shows few notable year-to-date gains. Argentina’s Merval was up more than 19% for the year through late October; China’s Shanghai Composite had advanced about 9%, and South Korea’s Kospi about 8%. Several other indices, though, were down 10% or more: Hong Kong’s Hang Seng, Mexico’s Bolsa, Brazil’s Bovespa, France’s CAC 40, and Spain’s IBEX 35. MSCI’s EAFE index, a longtime benchmark for major international equity markets, was down more than 7% YTD.14,15 

Looking back, looking forward. Investors are waiting for resolution on some of the major stories of this fall and winter. Which party will win the presidential election, or control the next Congress? Will there be another emergency economic stimulus payment heading to households, and if so, will it be as large as the last one? Can a vaccine be approved by the end of the year? Will a winter surge in COVID-19 cases bring shutdowns?  

Then there are questions for 2021. When might a vaccine rollout? To what degree will the pandemic continue to shape trends in consumer spending? If economic indicators disappoint, will the Fed step up its asset-buying? 

Here is what we know. We have ultra-low short-term interest rates in place, with the federal government investing in the economy. It will take time for businesses and consumers to regain the confidence that they had prior to the pandemic.  

Prognostications and historical data are interesting but may have little or no bearing on what is ahead. With so many questions for Wall Street to consider, the end of 2020 may see a good deal of volatility. If the next couple of months do bring ups and downs, many investors may react, but other investors may take them with the patience and perspective that comes with experience.  

I wish you the very best this holiday season, and good health, success, and prosperity in 2021. 

Rep disclosures: Kim Bolker may be reached at or 616-942-8600.

This material was prepared by MarketingPro, Inc., and does not necessarily represent the views of the presenting party, nor their affiliates. This information has been derived from sources believed to be accurate. Please note - investing involves risk, and past performance is no guarantee of future results. The publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. If assistance is needed, the reader is advised to engage the services of a competent professional. This information should not be construed as investment, tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for the purpose of avoiding any Federal tax penalty. This is neither a solicitation nor recommendation to purchase or sell any investment or insurance product or service and should not be relied upon as such. All indices are unmanaged and are not illustrative of any particular investment.  


1. CNN Business, October 21, 2020 

2. MarketWatch, October 21, 2020 

3., October 21, 2020 

4., October 21, 2020 

5. YCharts, October 21, 2020 

6. Trading Economics, October 21, 2020 

7., September 24, 2020 

8. MarketWatch, August 27, 2020 

9., January 16, 2020 

10. Vox, July 1, 2020 

11. International Monetary Fund, October 2020 

12. New York Times, October 18, 2020 

13. Vox, October 16, 2020 

14. Barchart, October 21, 2020 

15. MCSI, October 21, 2020 


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